September 27, 2013 IMG leader Mike Hamill reports: “The team is rested and getting ready for their summit rotation. Today we reviewed the oxygen system again, had a summit meeting to discuss the summit push, and packed food for the next few days on the mountain. We had half an inch of snow last night […]
Archive: September, 2013
Kili Climbers Leaving Tonight For The Summit

September 27, 2013 IMG guide Chris Meder sent this message: “The group made good progress today arriving at Barafu just after noon. The weather continues to be unsettled, with sleet turning to snow by the time we reached high camp. Short clearings showed no accumulation on the upper mountain so we should be in pretty […]
Carstensz Climbers: Next Stop Base Camp

September 26, 2013 IMG guide Dan Zokaites reports that the team had a good night at Camp 5 and are heading today up and over the 14,600 foot New Zealand Pass. This will mark the end of the sloppy hiking of the plateau; from here on they are on the rock of the Sudirman Range. […]
Kili Climbers Reach Karanga

September 26, 2013 IMG guide Chris Meder reports by sat phone that the Kili team had a nice day of hiking today, first climbing the Barranco wall, then traversing below the southern glaciers. Now they have reached Karanga which is their camp for tonight. This camp (like Barranco where they stayed last night) is at […]
Dolpo Trekkers Reach Shey Gompa

September 26, 2013 Adam called on the sat phone to report they made it over the 17,400 foot pass and have now descended to 14,200 feet at Shey Gompa, built in the 11th century. Along the way they saw Himalayan blue sheep and have clearly now entered a more arid (Tibet like) geographical area. Some […]
Carstensz Team Reaches Camp 4

September 25, 2013 IMG leader Dan Zokaites reports that the team reached Camp 4 up on the Plateau and are continuing towards Base Camp.  It continues to be very challenging hiking for the team.   Now they have reached 12,000 feet in this limestone karst terrain, with lots of water, sinkholes, waterfalls, and swampy areas. Thoughts […]
Acclimatization Day

September 25, 2013 From: Chris Meder Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:17 AM To: Eric Simonson Subject: Acclimatization day to Lava Tower Eric, The team had another great day hiking from Shira camp up to Lava Tower, at almost 15,000 ft, and then back down to Barranco camp. The weather was cool and windy and […]
Dolpo Trekkers Ready For 17,500 Foot Nagdala Pass

September 25, 2013 IMG guide Adam Angel reports that the Dolpo team have had a couple spectacular days of trekking since leaving the juniper forests down by Phoksumdo Lake. Yesterday they continued up the Phoksumdo Khola river valley until it became a steep canyon with hanging glaciers high above. Then, today, they left the river, […]
Cho Oyu Climbers Doing Well At ABC

September 25, 2013 Mike Hamill reports that “with the C2 rotation complete, the team is enjoying a few days of R+R at ABC doing laundry, taking hot showers, and eating great food. Yesterday we had burgers, fries, and salad for lunch with warm cinnamon rolls for desert. Thanks Kaji!  The team is doing really well. […]
Cho Oyu Climbers Back To ABC

September 24, 2013 IMG leaders Mike Hamill, Peter Anderson, and Phunuru Sherpa report that everyone is now back down to Advanced Base Camp after the Camp 2 rotation. They had good weather for their trip up high, but unfortunately we now have snow in the weather forecast for the next few days. That will […]