Below is an article published in the New York Times featuring Jason van Dalen, one of our Everest climbers from 2010, and his wife Alejandra. We don’t do too many love stories on the IMG blog, but this one is pretty cool.
When I asked Jason if it was alright for us to use this on our blog his response was: absolutely, if you can, please slip in that I am still very grateful to Eben, Hamill, and the rest of the 2010 Hybrid Team for getting my ass to the top. I could not have done it with out those two guys.
There you go Jason, while not so subtle, I did slip it into the blog post.
Enjoy the read.
Tye Chapman
Among mountaineers it’s known as the E-bomb, letting it drop that you have climbed Mount Everest — an accomplishment with an unassailable mystique, occupying a higher plane than, say, running with the bulls in Pamplona or scuba diving off the Great Barrier Reef.
Eventually, Jason van Dalen did use the E-bomb to impress women. Yet after reaching the summit of Everest on May 23, 2010, he returned home and descended into gloom. He had climbed some of the world’s tallest and most dangerous peaks and by conquering the highest of them fulfilled a goal that he set for himself years earlier.
Now what? Mr. van Dalen, an architect who lives in East Hampton, N.Y., and New York, plunged headfirst into two other harrowing pursuits: riding motorcycles and online dating. (Read more…)